Light Stim Pro Glow
Categories: Age Spot/Freckles / Dullness/Rough Skin/Scars / Fine Lines / Pigmentation/Uneven Tone / Pores
Light Stim Pro treatment helps reduce the visible signs of aging and promotes healthy, smooth, and radiant skin at any age. 1,400 medical-grade LEDs emit a unique combination of wavelengths optimized for anti-aging, acne or pain.
Before & After Photos
Who is a good candidate?
If you feel like your skin’s texture is changing or you are seeing the effects of sun damage and early signs of skin aging, a set of three treatments can help. If you need something to boost your skin’s radiance noticeably and with consistent results, Light Stim Pro is right for you. Any skin tone and type can respond well.
What is the downtime?
What are my expected results after Light Stim Pro?
Multiple treatments deliver lasting results that can keep you looking younger for years to come. Generally, we recommend an initial series of 3 treatments over 3 months (talk to your doctor about the packages we offer) for general pore tightening, radiance and softer skin. Since the treatment is easy to add to your beauty routine, they can be scheduled al a carte as well.
How is the Light Stim Pro different from other in-office treatments?
Light Stim Pro treatment might be preferable for patients who want a non-aggressive, non-laser, no downtime treatment or as an a la carte add on to other treatments TSC offers.