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Moxi + BBL (Broadband Light) Hero

Categories: Age Spot/Freckles / Dullness/Rough Skin/Scars / Fine Lines / Pigmentation/Uneven Tone / Pores / Wrinkles

The Sciton MJoule platform combines two devices that are ideal for removing evidence of sun damage and photoaging. The combined treatment works to resurface the skin, reduce freckles and age spots, and lighten irregular pigmentation. You can expect a brighter skin tone and improvement in skin texture due to the promotion of collagen growth. Together, these two treatments pack a synergistic punch of skin renewal and radiance with little to no downtime.

Before & After Photos

What makes Moxi and BBL such a special pairing?

How comfortable is the Moxi and BBL combination treatment?

What is the post care?

How many treatments will I need?


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